Student Projects

Research projects for ETH MS/BS students are available in each of our research tracks; e.g., microbiology, bioinformatics, software engineering. Interested students should contact us with the information below for details on available projects.

The laboratory of Food Systems Biotechnology develops computational methods and utilizes "omics" technologies to study microbial ecosystems in food production and human health, with the ultimate goal of creating microbial communities and products that optimize food quality, safety, and human health. You can read more about our research themes in our research page and publications list.

Research in the group spans the full spectrum of classical microbiology, molecular techniques, multi-omics analysis, bioinformatics, and software development. MS/BS projects will typically focus on one of these areas, depending on the background of the student. However, students will gain exposure to the diverse techniques used in the group through collaboration with their PhD/postdoc mentor.

Students interested in performing research in the group are encouraged to submit a short (0.5 page) proposal of their interests and/or project idea (see details below). This will allow us to identify whether this is a project available that is ideally suited to individual background and interests.

Are you interested?

Send an email to Prof. Dr. Bokulich with the following information:

  • A cover sheet that contains the following information:
    - Name
    - Major
    - Degree track
    - Proposed time period for the project (approximate dates)
    - Format of the project (i.e. Bachelorarbeit, Projektarbeit, Masterarbeit, etc).
    - The research track of interest (e.g., microbiology, bioinformatics, software engineering).
  • Specific research themes, topics, and/or techniques of interest. If you have a specific project idea in mind, you are welcome to briefly describe this project and motivation.
  • Record of courses completed and grades (Leistungsüberblick).
  • [Optional] A short CV.
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