Congratulations Lena and Rodrigo for best poster award!
Lena Flörl and Rodrigo Hernandez Velazquez won the "best poster award" at the World Food System Center Food Day @ETH event for their poster "Microbial biodiversity of fermented foods: a nutritional, cultural, and economic resource".
Highly cited researchers award
Congratulations to our fearless leader Nicholas Bokulich for being awarded the Highly Cited Researchers award in the category "Biology and Biochemistry", one of 26 researchers at the ETH to receive this award in 2023.
Welcome Annina!
We are pleased to welcome Annina Meyer to the group, who is starting her PhD as part of the HealthFerm project.
Welcome Jorge and Christos!
We are pleased to welcome Jorge Peña Diaz to the group, who joins us as a postdoc, and Christos Matzoros, who joins as a research software engineer.
Welcome Kingfisher Apex!
We are pleased to welcome the latest member of the team, the Kingfisher Apex liquid handling robot, who joins us from ThermoFisher Scientific. We look forward to working together!
HealthFerm meeting and launch of Citizen Science project
We were pleased to host the annual HealthFerm meeting and workshop at ETH Zurich in early September. Around 70 researchers came to the ETH for 3 days to discuss research progress, as well as a workshop for early researchers.
Welcome Anna and Zuzana!
We are pleased to welcome Anna Greppi as a senior scientist in FSB, and Zuzana Sebechlebska as a research software engineer.